Annonce en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : EADM
Thème :
Learning and data mining on massive bioacoustic data
Présentation :
This workshop aims to demonstrate the needs and realisation of long term, big data monitoring of the biodiversity, by leveraging advances in IoT, versatil microcontrollers, advanced signal processing and machine learning. Continuous monitoring of ecosystems can be achieved by recording and analysing their acoustic environment (soundscape), which is the expression of the habitat quality, richness and biodiversity. Managing big acoustic data streams requires specialized tools to classify the scenes and detect / recognise the different components, e.g. biophony, geophony and anthropophony. This second edition will be devoted to model and applications on mammals.
Proceedings are aimed to be published jointly with the first workshop. Free Registration is required before 10th nov., it includes access to the lunch buffet. To register please contact , subject = “EADM”
Du : 2018-11-14
Au : 2018-11-14
Lieu : Université de Toulon, campus de La Garde, Bat A, salle conseil
More information :
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