Offre en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : – — –/– — –
Laboratoire/Entreprise : LAMSADE
Durée : 3-6 mois
Contact :
Date limite de publication : 2023-02-28
Contexte :
Emails play, in the personal and particularly in the professional context, a central role in activity management. Emails can be harvested and re-engineered for understanding and analyzing undocumented business process activities and their corresponding metadata. By applying ML and NLP techniques on emails, information about activities [8], their metadata and their organization into process instances can be derived. These mined data can be used by exiting process mining tools to discover and analyze the inherent business processes executed by exchanging messages. Process mining is a recent research topic that applies artificial intelligence and data mining techniques to process modelling and analysis [1,2].
Sujet :
The aim of this internship is to propose techniques for mining business activities and related data from emails in order to improve and extend our recent work [3-7] by applying machine learning techniques [9].
Profil du candidat :
We seek for excellent and highly motivated student with a background in Computer Science
having good knowledge of NLP, ML and good programming skills (Python).
Formation et compétences requises :
Adresse d’emploi :
Université Paris Dauphine PSL
Document attaché : 202301310904_Proposition_stage_EmalMining_2023.pdf