Information Rating and Analysis of Knowledge Dynamics. Application to the Temporal Monitoring of the Reliability of Bibliographic Information on Insects as Vectors of Plant Pathogens.

30/06/2024 all-day

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Laboratoire/Entreprise : MaIAGE – INRAE et AgroParisTech Saclay
Durée : 36 months
Contact :
Date limite de publication : 2024-06-30

Contexte :
We are looking for candidates who have proven knowledge of NLP and Machine Learning. Deadline is June 30th.
You will be affiliated with the Computer Science Graduate School at Paris-Saclay University. You will be employed by INRAE.
We offer a motivating research environment with many opportunities for in-house, national and international collaborations and access to computing GPU resources and state-of-the-art research equipment. The gross salary per month for the three-year contract is 2 100 (in 2024) to 2300 (in 2026) including the social security package (healthcare, pensions, unemployment benefits).

Sujet :
## Research subject
within the framework of the research project on NLP for insect monitoring in plant health. The central aim of the PhD project is to develop original approaches for the reliability of textual information, by integrating linguistic dimensions and knowledge graphs (NLP, language models), and dynamic dimensions (time series). The quality and relevance of the extracted information will be derived from the collected documents along time and from the existing knowledge base.
For plant health and risk management, the biological interaction between insect vectors, pathogens, and host plants is of primary interest for anticipating contamination and reducing pesticide use.

You will be affiliated with the Computer Science Graduate School at Paris-Saclay University. You will be employed by INRAE.

Profil du candidat :
## Requirements
A successful candidate will have an MSc or equivalent in Artificial Intelligence.
Proven experience with applying natural language processing.
Interest in learning about biology or bioinformatics.
High level of academic English or French, both written and spoken;
Good programming skills in Python or Java (and preferably experience with deep learning tools)
Capacity to work as part of a team in a multidisciplinary framework.
Experiences of applied research to Life Science is an asset.

Formation et compétences requises :

Adresse d’emploi :
Location: Paris-Saclay University campus, mainly at the MaIAGE lab [1] and MIA-Paris-Saclay [2], you will visit PHIM [3] at the INRAE research center in Montpellier (South of France).
## Application
The closing date is June 30th 2024
Interested candidates should send their application files to Claire Nédellec (, Vincent Guigue, Nicolas Sauvion (, and Robert Bossy ( ).
It should comprise:
a CV (max 5 pages) with transcripts (Master), diplomas, internships
a cover letter
the names and contact of two referees for reference letters

Document attaché : 202404041723_ADUM INRAE 2024-english version.pdf