CPJ/Tenure track position, AI and Climate Extremes

30/09/2023 all-day

Offre en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : – — –/– — –

Laboratoire/Entreprise : Lab-STICC/IMT Atlantique
Durée : 5 years
Contact : ronan.fablet@imt-atlantique.fr
Date limite de publication : 2023-09-30

Contexte :
Chaire de Professeur Junior “AI and Climate Extremes@ at IMT Atlantique/Lab-STICC/Odyssey. Successful applicants will first be hired on a ‘CDD de projet’ contract and tenure will occur at IMT Professor level.

Location: IMT Atlantique, Brest campus

Hosting research team: INRIA team Odyssey (https://team.inria.fr/odyssey/)

Key words : AI, applications to earth systems, extreme climate events, machine learning, dynamical systems, observing systems

Sujet :
The details of the position are available here: https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/o/chair-of-junior-professor-in-ai-climate-extremess-contrat-projet-5-ans

Profil du candidat :
See https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/o/chair-of-junior-professor-in-ai-climate-extremess-contrat-projet-5-ans

Formation et compétences requises :
See https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/o/chair-of-junior-professor-in-ai-climate-extremess-contrat-projet-5-ans

Adresse d’emploi :
IMT Atlantique, Brest campus