ML4Oceans school 2024

07/10/2024 – 11/10/2024 all-day

Date : 2024-10-07 => 2024-10-11
Lieu : SCAI/ISCD, Sorbonne Université, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France

ML4Oceans 2024 – 2nd edition!

The use of artificial intelligence is now crucial for environmental and climate issues, including oceanography. In this context, SCAI, ISCD and the Institut de l’Océan of Sorbonne Université joined their forces, together with the support of EUR-IPSL, to offer a transdisciplinary school for PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers. 20 candidates will be selected according to their academic background, their research subject & their motivation to participate in this school.

The objective: to acquire knowledge and skills in AI applied to oceanography (marine biology – omics, biogeochemistry, acoustics, imagery).

Practical information

The school will take place in the seminar room of SCAI, the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence. It is located on the Pierre and Marie Curie Campus of Sorbonne University, 4 place Jussieu (métro Jussieu), 75005 Paris, France. Lectures will be given in English.


The school will be from 9h to 17h or 18h, from Monday to Friday. Each day, you will have two classes of 1h30 each in the morning, by experts in their field: one on an oceanography topic and one on a machine learning topic. In the afternoon, you will have a tutored practical lab, in a dedicated computing environment, to apply a machine learning algorithm on real oceanic data. This direct application of the morning class will encompass coding, training, and applying a model.

Tentative programme:

  • Monday 7th October: Introductions to the school, the programming language (Python and PyTorch) and the coding environment.
  • Tuesday 8th October: Oceano: Marine omics. ML: Tree based models. Lab: Predicting carbon concentration genomic potential using multivariate gradient boosted trees.
  • Wednesday 9th October: Oceano: Biogeochemical Argo floats. ML: Multilayer Perceptron. Lab: Deriving scarcely observed biogeochemical variables from profiles of common Argo ones using an MLP.
  • Thursday 10th October: Oceano: Passive acoustics. ML: Convolutional neural networks. Lab: Classifying marine mammals sounds using CNNs.
  • Friday 11th October: Oceano: Plankton imaging. ML: CNNs for object detection and segmentation. Lab: Instance segmentation of planktonic organisms from images using CNNs.

Application procedure

Please apply online before the 27th of June 2024:


Candidates will be selected using the following criteria: adequation between the school’s thematics and the candidate’s research project, minimum skill requirement, motivation for the ML4Oceans school. Candidates from different backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The outcome of the selection procedure will be communicated to the candidates mid-July.


Olivier Adam, IJLRDA, SU
Lucie Bittner, ISYEB, SU
Dorian Cazau, LabSTICC, ENSTA Bretagne
Anastase Charantonis, LaMME/LOCEAN, ENSIIE/INRIA
Hervé Claustre, LOV, SU/CNRS
Jean-Olivier Irisson, LOV, SU
Jérémy Fix, CentraleSupélec, LORIA
Raphaëlle Sauzède, LOV-IMEV, SU

Organising committee

Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, LOCEAN, SU
Lucie Bittner, ISYEB, SU
Anastase Charantonis, LaMME/LOCEAN, ENSIIE/INRIA
Jean-Olivier Irisson, LOV, SU

Please contact for any questions.

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