Software development engineer in in Data visualization

30/09/2016 – 01/10/2016 all-day

Annonce en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : aucun

Laboratoire/Entreprise : LIG – Laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble
Durée : 2 years
Contact :,
Date limite de publication : 2016-09-30

Contexte :
This position is part of IKATS that is a Research and Development project funded by the French government in the frame of PIA program. Partners of this project are : LIG, CSSI, AIRBUS and EDF-R&D.
The IKATS project1 (Innovative ToolKit for Analysing Time Series) aims to build a software toolbox, providing in the same framework all the tools allowing to manage, to explore, to analyze and to visualize large volumes of “Time Series”. Indeed, “Time Series” (i.e. sequences of data points, consisting of successive measurements made over a time interval) are observed in a growing number of scientific and industrial domains, such as: medicine, biology, physics, energy consumption…
The key points of this project is to build a collaborative environment suitable for non-expert users of Data Mining and to set up the “High Throughput Analysis of Multivariate Time Series” pushing the current quantitative limits both in number of time series variables and events analyzed simultaneously.

Sujet :
The successful candidate will have to port in a Web environment and/or optimize the visualization tools created by AMA and IIHM teams of the LIG laboratory and to package these algorithms to include them in the IKATS platform. This concerns two different kinds of tools:
– Interactive tools allowing the user to display and explore the raw data (time series)
– Interactive visualization of the models produced by the Machine Learning and analysis tools. These visualizations will be elaborate in collaboration with the researchers producing the algorithms, CSSI company and the end-users of the project.

Profil du candidat :
Candidate must have a good experience concerning Interactive visualization and data analytics. Some knowledge about Machine learning is desirable. He/she is must have an excellent skill in software development

Speaking languages: french (preferably) and english

Formation et compétences requises :
Qualification: engineering degree or PhD.

Programming langages and technologies:
– Python (including Numpy, Scipy, mathplotlib), C.
– Graphics libraries: OpenGL, …
– Web technologies: jQuery, JavaScript, D3.js, WebGL, …
– Unit testing, code profiling tools, issue trackers …

Adresse d’emploi :
Equipe AMA/IIHM, bâtiment IMAG
Laboratoire d’informatique de Grenoble

Document attaché : expert-engineer-position-lig-dv.pdf