Hi! PARIS summer school “AI & Data for Science, Business and Society’’

08/07/2024 – 11/07/2024 all-day

Date : 2024-07-08 => 2024-07-11
Lieu : HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas

Dear All,

You still have a chance to register for the fourth edition of the Hi! PARIS Summer School! Don’t miss this opportunity!

Hi! PARIS Summer School 2024 on July 8-11, 2024 at HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas

“AI & Data for Science, Business and Society’’

à Register hereapplications are open until June 5!

Certificates of participation will be delivered at the end of the Summer School!

This year’s edition of the Hi! PARIS Summer School will feature several tutorials on a wide range of topics in the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science from different perspectives. These sessions are designed to appeal to a wide audience, including Master’s and PhD students, postdocs, academics, faculty members, researchers, and industry professionals who are looking to deepen their understanding of AI and Data Science.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage with two parallel tracks: ‘’Data Science for Business and Society’’ and ‘’Theory and Methods of AI.’’ The program will also feature keynote presentations from globally recognized academics. Over the course of the four-day program, there will be an industry and an academic panel, aimed at sparking dialogues. Additionally, the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team will conduct sessions providing practical research tips, further enriching the learning experience.

For this 4th edition, Hi! PARIS proposes:

  • 4 Keynote Speakers: Moritz HARDT (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Helen MARGETTS (University of Oxford), Patrick PEREZ (Kyutai), Prasanna (Sonny) TAMBE (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
  • 1 Academic Roundtable with participation of: Marie-Paule Cani (Ecole polytechnique), Helen MARGETTS (University of Oxford), Patrick PEREZ (Kyutai), Prasanna (Sonny) TAMBE (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
  • 1 Industry Panel “Opportunities and Challenges with Generative AI” with the participation of Hi! PARIS corporate donors
  • 12 Tutorials (3h long) organized in 2 parallel tracks. Track A “Data Science for Business and Society” and Track B “Theory and methods of IA”

Already confirmed speakers:

  1. Track A: “Data Science for Business and Society”
  • Haris KRIJESTORAC (HEC Paris): “Voice Analytics for Business”
  • Poonacha MEDAPPA (Tilburg University): “Integrating AI and Machine Learning into Economics and Management Research”
  • Pablo BAQUERO (HEC PARIS): “The Impact of the EU AI Act: Challenges and Compliance”
  • Aluna WANG (HEC Paris): “Anomaly Detection”
  • Johan HOMBERT (HEC PARIS): “Scoring Strategically: Application to Finance”
  • Konstantina VALOGIANNI (IE Business School): “Causal ABM: A Methodology for Learning Plausible Causal Models using Agent-Based Modeling in combination with Machine Learning”

  1. Track B: ‘’Theory and Methods of AI’’
  • Gaël VAROQUAUX (Inria Saclay) : “Learning on Messy, Tabular Data”
  • Pietro GORI (Telecom Paris): “Self-supervised learning in computer vision and medical imaging”
  • Alain RAKOTOMAMONJY (INSA Rouen): “Optimal Transport, Wasserstein distance and variants for Machine Learning”
  • Valentin DE BORTOLI (CNRS): “An Introduction to Diffusion Models”
  • Martin TAKAC (MBZUAI): “Empowering Distributed AI: A Deep Dive into Federated Learning”
  • Catuscia PALAMIDESSI (Inria Saclay): “Differential Privacy and its trade-off with Fairness and Causality Discovery”
  • Practical Research Tips Sessions by the Hi! PARIS Engineering Team on “Exploring Machine Learning Deployment from beginners to advance level” and “Machine Learning for Everyone via AutoML.”
  • 1 Poster Session and Poster Award
  • 1 Social Event at HEC Paris le Château

This edition of the Summer School has benefited from a government grant managed by the ANR under France 2030 with the reference “ANR-22-CMAS-0002”.

Hi! PARIS Center
Hi! PARIS, Center in Data Science & AI for Science, Technology, Business & Society

+33 (0) 1 75 31 92 03
Office: @Telecom Paris, 5A101 + @HEC Paris, S-107 on Tuesdays

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